Meet the Polygon Pets: Paarja Part 3

3 min readSep 27, 2022


September 27th, 2022 — The story of Paarja continues with the next page of our saga! If you missed the first two pages and intro to Paarja, the Maelstrom of Kerjag and a proud storm prince of Ventus — the Prime Elemental Realm of Air, you can view it here!


Paarja flexed his claws against the stone and roared:

“I am the Maelstrom of Kerjag!”


A blast of lightning, as thick as a tree trunk, flashed down from the sky. It pummeled the peak of a faraway mountain and shattered it. Stone sprayed in all directions as sparks and molten rock zapped away from the point of impact.

Paarja reveled in the destruction. His power was magnificent — worthy of his status. It was his right to command the storm. His identity.

…So it was more than a surprise when a bolt of lightning slammed into him from above.

The sensation of foreign lightning hit him like a sledgehammer. Even as the impact smashed the breath out of his lungs, Paarja looked up at the sky with wide eyes as he plummeted to the ground. He couldn’t even process the pain through his disbelief.

The sky had struck him.


The disbelief simmered. Boiled. And then, in one sweeping wave of heat, it transformed into a violent, curling anger that flared inside his chest.


Stay tuned for the fourth part of Paarja’s story, which will be instrumental to participate in our Treasure Hunt event for the Royal Sapphire Pets and their playable metaverse avatars that you will receive!

About PolkaPet World

PolkaPet World is an NFT project created by Forj in partnership with some of the biggest names in the Polkadot ecosystem. Each PolkaPet is embodied as an artistic creature that represents a specific Polkadot project.

All PolkaPets hold unique project-specific utility to reward community members for holding their PolkaPet NFTs in their wallets. The utility can be a discount on fees, an airdrop of tokens to PolkaPet cardholders, or various other utilities.

The $PETS token is the utility token used to engage with PolkaPet World products and services, as well as allowing governance rights and access to exclusive sales.

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About Polygon

Polygon is the leading blockchain development platform, offering scalable, affordable, secure and sustainable blockchains for Web3. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to major scaling solutions including L2 (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid, stand-alone and enterprise chains, and data availability.

Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 37,000+ decentralized applications hosted, 1.6B+ total transactions processed, 142M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured. Polygon is carbon neutral with the goal of leading the Web3 ecosystem in becoming carbon negative.

If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your dApp, get started here.

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PolkaPets is our answer to making blockchain more interactive. Our NFT Collectible Card Game with Unique Utility is Coming Soon!